No. of resources: 1203
Pharmaceutical industry-led partnerships focused on addressing the global burden of non-communicable diseases: a review of Access Accelerated.

Topics : NCD Care

Year :
The Challenge of Non-Communicable Diseases and Road Traffic Injuries in Sub-Saharan Africa

Region : Africa

Topics : Others

Year :

Source :

Prevention and control of selected chronic NCDs in Sri Lanka : policy options and action

Region : South-East Asia

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Year :

Source :

Annex 1 Detailed Implementation Plan Strateic Object. 21.03.17

Region : Eastern Mediterranean

Year :
National NCD Targets for Cameroon

Region : Africa

Year : -
Managing Hypertension in Primary Care in the Caribbean

Region : Americas

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases

Year :
Management of type 2 Diabetes in adults

Region : Africa

Topics : Diabetes

Year :
Updated management of hypertension in adults at primary care

Region : Africa

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases

Year :
Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases 2015-2020

Region : Western Pacific

Year : -
Zambian strategic plan 2013-2016 non-communicable diseases and their risk factors

Region : Africa

Year : -
