Dear user,
Thank you for your interest in the Access Accelerated Open Platform. We are proud to reveal that we have upgraded our platform to an improved system to offer you a new and superior user experience. The data on the old platform will not be updated any longer.
Please visit our new AA Open Platform
The Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science (CIRS) is guided by the objectives of its predecessor organisation, the CMR International Institute for Regulatory Science (the Institute), embracing and continuing to fulfil and expand the Institute’s mission and objectives. CIRS is the vehicle through which the international pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities and academia meet, debate and develop regulatory policy. The objectives of CIRS are to facilitate dialogue and productive discussions in order to promote better understanding of the science that will form the basis for regulatory policy; to play an active and pro-active role in the evolution and harmonisation of international regulatory requirements and approval procedures to act as a catalyst for the adoption of best practice in global regulatory affairs; to provide a neutral, professional forum through which peers can meet and share best practice; and to pursue research that supports the CIRS mission.
The Centre for Innovation of Regulatory Science
Top bar
The Access Accelerated logo, as well as the home icon will bring you back to the landing page. Additionally you can get some help, find information about the data approach, settings as well as the walk-through, whenever available.
Search and Filtering
You can either look for a specific file by searching for a name or key word, or by using the provided filters. The reset button let you start from the beginning.
Your filter or search result will be shown in then middle area.
Sort resources
You can sort the resources either alphabetically or by recently added.
Other useful areas
These buttons will show you the glossary, all collected NCDs policies or other useful links.
NCDs Chart and Taxonomy Density
Both of these areas visualize the density and amount of recourses that were collected for the respective indicator.