No. of resources: 24
Publication: The Non-Communicable Disease System Assessment Tool for Identifying Priorities for Investment

Region : Global

Topics : NCD Care

Year :

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Integrating noncommunicable disease management into Primary Health Care

Region : Africa / Americas / Western Pacific

Topics : NCD Care

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Digital journey in Primary Health Care: Empowering patients with noncommunicable diseases in Vietnam

Region : Western Pacific

Topics : NCD Care

Year :

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Samoa Returns to Community-based Approach to Contain Rise of Non-Communicable Diseases

Region : Western Pacific

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

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Innovations in People-Centered Care for Chronic Conditions

Region : Americas

Year :

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Regional Action Framework for Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control in the Western Pacific

Region : Western Pacific

Year :

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Mental health among adolescents and young adults in Latin America and the Caribbean

Region : Americas

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Lessons from Innovations in Primary Health Care in Colombia

Region : Americas

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KN#4. Unpacking the empirics behind health tax revenue

Region : Global Commitment

Year :

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Innovations in People-Centered Care for Chronic Conditions - Chile’s Story of Integration of Mental Health and Noncommunicable Disease Services at Primary Healthcare: Policy Note

Region : Americas

Year :

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