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No. of resources: 1203
Astellas Annual report 2019

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : Astellas / Annual Report / Finance / Healthcare

Year :

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Global surveillance, prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Respiratory Diseases

Keywords : WHO / Report / Surveillance

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Barriers to Access to Diabetes Care, Medicines and Supplies

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Diabetes

Keywords : Accessibility / Management / Supply chain / Advocacy / Awareness

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Instrumental Access Program (IAP) : Building Research Capacity in LMICs

Region : Global Commitment

Topics : Others

Keywords : AA Member / Accessibility / Capacity building / Research

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COVID-19 AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: Exploring global preparedness and vulnerability

Region : Global Commitment

Topics : COVID-19

Keywords : COVID-19 / Development / Vulnerability

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Access to medicines: making market forces serve the poor

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : NCD / Medicines / Merck / Accessibility / Public health

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NCDs and development

Region : Global Commitment

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases

Keywords : NCD / Poverty / Equity / Epidemiology / Development

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Policy Brief: Impact of COVID-19 in Africa

Region : Africa

Topics : COVID-19

Keywords : COVID-19 / LMICs / Public health / Impact / Policy brief

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WHO strategy for prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Respiratory Diseases

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2011 UN Political Declaration on NCDs

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Keywords : WHO / Prevention / Control / Health system strengthening

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