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No. of resources: 1203
Sumitomo Dainippon Annual Report 2008

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : Annual Report

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Sumitomo Dainippon Annual Report 2007

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : Annual Report

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Sumitomo Dainippon Annual Report 2006

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : Annual Report

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Strengthening health systems: the role and promise of policy and systems research (WHO)

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : WHO / Policy / Health system strengthening / Research

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Preventable chronic respiratory diseases are under-recognised, under-diagnosed, under-treated & insufficiently prevented.

Topics : Respiratory Diseases

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Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases / Others

Keywords : WHO / Management / Prevention / Strategy / Cardiovascular Diseases / Others

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Noncommunicable diseases in emergencies

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Keywords : WHO / Policy / Health planning / Management / Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Others / Respiratory Diseases

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Management and Prevention Strategies for Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Their Risk Factors

Region : Global Commitment

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Keywords : NCD / Prevention / Control / Management / Risk factors / NCDs

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Broadening Access

Region : Global Commitment

Keywords : NCDs

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Annual Report City Cancer Challenge 2019

Region : Global Commitment

Topics : Cancer

Keywords : Cancer

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