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No. of resources: 1203
The competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and management of childhood epilepsy in Southwestern China and its determinants: A cross-sectional study.

Region : Western Pacific

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : The Lancet / Management / Diagnosis / Epilepsy / Competence

Year :
Control and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Turkey.

Region : Europe

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases

Keywords : AHA Journals / Prevalence / Management / Policy / Nutrition

Year :
The Convergence of Infectious Diseases and Noncommunicable Diseases: Proceedings of a Workshop.

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : The National Academies Press / Infectious diseases / Global Health / Policy / Challenges / Opportunity

Year :
The association between total phthalate concentration and non-communicable diseases and chronic inflammation in South Australian urban dwelling men.

Region : Western Pacific

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : ResearchGate / Urban / Association / Prevalence / Biomarkers

Year :
Profile of Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases in Punjab, Northern India: Results of a State-Wide STEPS Survey.

Region : South-East Asia

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : Pubmed / STEPS survey / Burden of disease / Risk factors / Tobacco / Alcohol / Prevalence

Year :
Associations between sleep parameters, non-communicable diseases, HIV status and medications in older, rural South Africans.

Region : Africa

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : Nature / Longitudinal study / Association / Sleep / Ageing

Year :
Fatty Acid Profiles of Various Vegetable Oils and the Association between the Use of Palm Oil vs. Peanut Oil and Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases in Yangon Region, Myanmar.

Region : South-East Asia

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : Pubmed / Risk factors / Oils / Food

Year :
Thyroid function and life expectancy with and without noncommunicable diseases: A population-based study.

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : PLOS ONE / Population health / Thyroid / Life expectancy

Year :
Prevalence of non-communicable diseases among individuals with HIV infection by antiretroviral therapy status in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Region : Africa

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : PLOS ONE / HIV/AIDS / ART / Prevalence / PLWHIV

Year :
The rising burden of non-communicable disease and food as medicine.

Region : Africa

Topics : NCD Care

Keywords : NDM Journal / Prevention / Management / Nutrition / Medicine

Year :
