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No. of resources: 1203
How COVID-19 accelerated the shift from paper forms to digital data in Vietnam

Region : Western Pacific

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
Prevent, detect, respond: Building epidemic preparedness worldwide

Region : Global

Year :
Open source software tool helps governments monitor COVID-19

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
What is “the curve”? Making sense of COVID-19 models

Region : Africa / Western Pacific

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
With technology, information, and staff, PATH fights COVID-19 in India

Region : South-East Asia

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
Five key questions about COVID-19

Region : Africa / Western Pacific

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
3 ways immunization data tools are flexing to fight COVID-19 in Africa

Region : Africa

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
LEGO lessons for COVID-19: Making data click
Mobilizing the COVID-19 response in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Region : Africa

Topics : COVID-19

Year :
How India's COVID-19 response can strengthen local health systems

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
