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No. of resources: 1203
How partnerships are driving change to cancer care in Africa

Region : Africa

Topics : Cancer

Keywords : C/Can / LMICs / Prevention / Care / Cancer

Year :
Strengthening Pathology Capacity to Deliver Quality Cancer Care in Cities in LMICs

Topics : Cancer

Keywords : C/Can / LMICs / Health systems / Cancer / Infrastructure

C/Can City Engagement Process: An Implementation Framework for Strengthening Cancer Care in Cities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Topics : Cancer

Keywords : C/Can / LMICs / Policy / Strategy / Cancer / Sustainability

Bridging the “Policy To Practice” Gap In Cancer Care

Topics : Cancer

Keywords : C/Can / LMICs / Policy / Strategy / Cancer

Resources to support COVID-19 responses in LMICs

Topics : COVID-19

Keywords : PATH / COVID-19 / CVDs / LMICs / NCDs / Response

Year :
Building back better on Noncommunicable Diseases and COVID-19

Topics : COVID-19

Keywords : NCDA / COVID-19 / CVDs

Year :
Our Views, Our Voices is an initiative of the NCD Alliance and people living with NCDs

Keywords : NCDA / Stigma / Discrimination / NCDs / CVDs

Global Charter on Meaningful Involvement of People Living with NCDs

Keywords : NCDA / COVID-19 / CVDs / Stakeholders

Year :
The NCD Alliance Advocacy Institute 2017-2019 Impact Report Catalysing NCD Civil Society Alliances to Drive Change

Keywords : NCDA / UHC / Advocacy / NCDs / CVDs

Year :
NCDA's Advocacy Institute is increasing the capacity of NCD alliances to drive effective advocacy on NCDs and UHC

Keywords : NCDA / UHC / Advocacy / NCDs / CVDs

Year :
