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No. of resources: 1203
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts

Topics : COVID-19

Keywords : Pfizer / COVID-19 / Response / Vaccine / R&D

Management of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) for Health Care Providers

Keywords : Cancer / CVDs / Management / Prevention / Treatment / Pfizer

Pfizer and IDA Foundation Partner to Expand Access to Essential Cancer Treatments in 70 Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Western Pacific

Topics : Cancer

Keywords : Pfizer / Cancer / CVDs / Accessibility / Equity

Year :
Partnering to Tackle Non-Communicable Diseases

Region : Global

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases

Keywords : Pfizer / Cancer / CVDs / Management / Prevention / Treatment

Year :
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Resources

Topics : COVID-19

Keywords : Pfizer / COVID-19 / Response / Resources

Pfizer Annual Report 2020

Region : Global

Keywords : Pfizer / Annual Report / Finance / Healthcare / Strategy

Year :
Pfizer Financial Report 2019

Region : Global

Keywords : Pfizer / Finance / Strategy / Investment

Year :
Pfizer Financial Report 2018

Region : Global

Keywords : Pfizer / Finance / Strategy / Investment

Year :
Pfizer Financial Report 2017

Region : Global

Keywords : Pfizer / Finance / Strategy / Investment

Year :
Pfizer Financial Report 2016

Region : Global

Keywords : Pfizer / Finance / Strategy / Investment

Year :
