Mobile menus

No. of resources: 1203
Secure the Future

Region : Africa

Topics : Cancer / Others

Keywords : BMS / HIV / LMICs / Treatment

Kuwaitis lower blood pressure by reducing salt in bread

Region : Eastern Mediterranean

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases

Keywords : WHO / Legislation

Year :

Source :

Community-based NCD prevention in the Republic of Korea

Region : Western Pacific

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Keywords : WHO / Health promotion / Outreach / Accessibility / Intersectoral coordination

Year :

Source :

Naloxone: A take-home antidote to drug overdose that saves lives

Region : Africa / Americas / South-East Asia / Europe / Eastern Mediterranean / Western Pacific

Topics : Others

Keywords : WHO / Capacity building / Govt program

Year :

Source :

Finland curbs childhood obesity by integrating health in all policies

Region : Europe

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Keywords : WHO / Capacity building / Intersectoral coordination / Legislation / Health promotion

Year :

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Syrian Arab Republic builds capacity for mental health care during conflict

Region : Eastern Mediterranean

Topics : Others

Keywords : WHO / Capacity building / Primary healthcare

Year :

Source :

Mental health care in India: restoring hope and dignity

Region : South-East Asia

Topics : Others

Keywords : WHO / Capacity building / Availability / Accessibility / Community engagement

Year :

Source :

Addressing noncommunicable diseases in emergencies

Region : Europe

Topics : Cancer / Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes / Respiratory Diseases / Others

Keywords : Capacity building / Primary healthcare / Emergency response / Accessibility

Year :

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WHO project targets early detection, management of heart disease in Lebanon

Region : Eastern Mediterranean

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases / Others

Keywords : WHO / PHC / Health promotion

Year :

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Mobile phones help people with diabetes to manage fasting and feasting during Ramadan

Region : Africa

Topics : Diabetes

Keywords : WHO / Digital health / IEC / Outreach

Year :

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