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No. of resources: 273
Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases in India

Region : South-East Asia

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases

Year :
National NCD Targets Bangladesh

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
National NCD Targets for Thailand

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
National Policy and Strategic Framework on Prevention and Control of NCDs

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
Guidelines for the management of diabetes

Region : Americas

Topics : Diabetes

Year :
Guidelines for the management of hypertension

Region : Americas

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases

Year :
National NCD Targets for Armenia

Region : Europe

Year :
Package of Essential Noncommuncable Diseases Interventions in Timor-Leste

Region : South-East Asia

Year : -
National NCD Targets for the Republic of Moldova

Region : Europe

Year :
National Program on Prevention and Control of NCDs in Albania 2016-2020

Region : Europe

Year : -
