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No. of resources: 273
National NCD Targets Jamaica

Region : Americas

Year :
Package of Essential NCD (PEN) Interventions for Hospitals

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
Standard Treatment Guidelines for Primary Health Care

Region : Americas

Topics : Cardiovascular Diseases / Diabetes

Year :
Egyptian Clinical Practice Recommendations for Management of Diabetes Mellitus 2015

Region : Eastern Mediterranean

Topics : Diabetes

Year :
National action plan and monitoring framework for prevention and control of NCDs in India

Region : South-East Asia

Year : -
National NCD Targets for Montenegro

Region : Europe

Year :
National NCD Targets Mexico

Region : Americas

Year :
Package of Essential NCD (PEN) protocol for BHU’s

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
Standard treatment guidelines medicine (respiratory diseases)

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
Guideline for Management of NCDs in Primary Health Care

Region : South-East Asia

Year :
